Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dog found with teeth sawed off - WIS News 10 - Columbia, South Carolina |

Dog found with teeth sawed off - WIS News 10 - Columbia, South Carolina |

This article made me sick and heart broken. How in the hell can a human being hurt an animal. Wait let me rephrase this, this person is NOT a human being but a low life nasty creature that should get the same treatment! UGH. I love animals, and no I am not apart of PETA, I love eating chicken and tasty hamburgers as long as its done in a humane way then I have nothing wrong with eating my yummy meat favorites. I cannot believe that people actually get enjoyment for raising dogs to be fighters. Cowboy is what they named to little Pitbull, was chained and abused and was used for training. He was the doggie punching bag for the bigger meaner ones. I love dogs so much that I wish I could scoop them all up and bring them home with me and love them and care for them. I would need a huge ranch to do this but then again...its impossible. I live in a small apartment and can't afford nor even own a dog here. Lame. Any who animal cruelty boils my blood to a point I want to kick someone in the face. To be that ignorant and attack, kill, or even do this to another animals is disgusting. Not a man to hit another human being so you have to take it out or use animals for your pleasures? Though of course hitting another human is wrong its self--but you get what I mean. The woman who found the dog is such a blessing! The article said that he is a loving and sweet dog as well. To think that Pitbulls alone have a bad reputation. I believe its all in the way you raise them. Just like children. Dogs are not always aggressive, if you love them, take care of them, they will do the same for you. I do hope that they are able to save him, and fix his mouth. There is a number at the bottom of the article to donate and to help Cowboys surgery. Good lucky little guy, you have so much to offer and I hope that the people that did this to you get what they deserve!!!! No one should EVER abuse animals. They are like your family and should be treated like family. I was brought up that way and my own children someday will understand that the family dog (or dogs!!) are part of the family and are treated equal. You as the pet owner are responsible for the well being of them just like being a parent. They need your tender love and care and also respect. Lets hope the justice system someday make animal cruelty a harsher sentencing. Wishful thinking. As always...STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!

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